Green Activity

We are actively participating in various environmental campaigns to leave the world in its best environmental condition possible for our children of the future.

■Challenge 25 Campaign

We wholeheartedly endorse the goals of 'Challenge 25 Campaign' , curtailing global warming and reducing carbon monoxide. We are actively involved in this project and will continue our effort to preserve nature.

Challenge 25 Campaign(
Japan has announced a mid-term target of a 25 percent CO2 reduction at the International Climate Change Summit in 2009. This campaign's main mission is to take on this challenge by expanding, enhancing and accelerating environmental actions.


Eco-driving is a way of driving that reduces fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and accident rates. Eco-driving is about driving in a style suited to modern engine technology: smart, smooth and safe driving techniques that lead to average fuel savings of 5-10%.
We are encouraging all of our employees to keep the practice of eco-driving, not only during work hours but all year round.

■Energy Saving

WarmBiz and CoolBiz
We are putting our efforts to reduce our energy consumption by setting our office temperature to 26 degrees Celsius in summer and 22 degrees Celsius in winter

Environment-friendly work style
We are also making efforts to conserve electricity and water.